No Intrest in Coloring?

Well now, Harris has all this intrest in all things musical but will he draw and color?


His teachers say that he doesn’t really show an intrest in coloring.  I admit I am a bit disappointed at this but he does enjoy letters and reading.  Normally my son likes to bring me books to read to him.  The other day a was working on a masterpiece he came over and started reading a Nemo book to me.  Amazing!  Reading with comprehension is good stuff.


So back to this difficulty I have with lack of coloring interest.  I had an epiphany, if we can get Harris to learn by using something he likes such as music…  So I started to think, how can I get Harris into coloring?  He likes Bagpipes and all things Scottish… and so I found a bagpiping teddy bear and suddenly Harris is VERY interested in coloring.


Here’s a couple of Harris’ works 😉

Complements of

Heilan Coo

So now he’s off to a good start.  Notice both pages have carefully traced lettered titles on them.


catcha later, the Papa